Campaign Platform

Classroom Needs

Funding is one of the most important issues plaguing education in North Carolina. Over the past decade our NCGA has failed to fulfill its constitutional duty to fund our schools. I pledge to continue to fight for fully funding Franklin County Schools on both the state and local levels. Our children’s futures depend on it! I believe in educating the whole child. A whole child approach prioritizes a child’s social, emotional, cognitive and academic development, as well as their physical and mental well being. For a child to reach their fullest potential they must be healthy physically, mentally, emotionally and cognitively. It is important that schools meet the needs of the children they are educating. Learning can not happen until a child feels safe. Every child deserves to feel safe and welcomed at school. A licensed, certified teacher should be in EVERY classroom. We must address the teacher shortage and continue to do things locally to keep good teachers here in Franklin County. I will fight to protect and increase the local county supplement paid to Franklin County teachers. I will listen to teachers and let them tell me what they need and work to meet those needs. I pledge to use my knowledge, voice and vote to advocate for all of our students and educators in Franklin County.

Safety & Mental Health

Our students perform better when they feel safe at school. Schools must be a place where ALL children feel safe and welcomed. I support School Resource Officers (SROs) and I am open to expanding SROs if necessary, along with building a mental health team. Every school should have a mental health team(s) made up of school counselors, behavioral specialists, social workers, school nurses. These professionals are well trained in dealing with student behaviors and deescalating tense situations. These highly trained professionals will not only assist with students, but work with staff and faculty to make sure their mental health needs are being met. Every student deserves to learn in an environment that is free from bullying, hate speech, violence and exclusion. Our highly skilled teachers deserve to teach in an environment that they feel safe in and recognizes their knowledge, experience, professionalism, expertise, and contributions to student learning. School safety and student safety requires funding and I will fight to secure that funding so all schools can properly invest in school safety measures.

Community Engagement

I know what it takes to build meaningful relationships among students, parents and stakeholders to create safe, engaging learning environments where students can shine their brightest. When the students shine the community shines. I want to build those relationships in the community that will ensure ALL students succeed.